Page 8 - GTS Trade PPE Catalogue
P. 8

BEST                                     306

                                               Breathable, water repellent, fully coated latex grip glove with an additional coating of latex to
                                               the palm. Ideal for those exposed to changeable weather conditions.
         MULTI-PURPOSE                                                  3 3Full foam latex coating. Nylon/Polyester liner

                                                                         3Water repellent
                                                                         3Unique breathable technology allows perspiration to escape
                                                                         3Foam latex provides enhanced cushioning from impacts
                                                                                          WATER REPELLENT
                                                                          CAT II          100% BREATHABLE

                                               IDEAL FOR                                     •	 Agriculture                •	 Landscaping  •	 Utilities
                                                           •	 Construction  •	 Transport and Logistics  •	 Wet Work

                  BEST                                     310

                                               The original ‘latex grip glove’.

                                               Flexible and robust ofering great dexterity with good mechanical resistance. For heavy duty
                                               manual handling.

                                                                        3 3Natural latex coating. Cotton liner
                                                                        3 3Rough latex surface provides a tactile feel and excellent grip
                                                                        3 3Exceptional durability compared to generic imitations
                                                                        3 3Breathable back of hand to reduce perspiration

                                                                                            O R I G I N A L

                                                                          CAT II            G L O V E

                                               IDEAL FOR                                     •	 Bricklaying                •	 General Handling  •	 Logistics
                                                           •	 Construction  •	 Highway Maintenance  •	 Steel and Metals

                         CAT              EN388 Standard                          Size and Product Codes
                          CE   Abrasion  Cut     Tear   Puncture   6/S      7/M      8/L     9/XL    10/XXL  Case Qty
                  306     II      2       1       2        1     SHO3061  SHO3062  SHO3063  SHO3064  SHO3065   120
                                                                   6/XS     7/S     8/M      9/L     10/XL
                  310     II      2       1       4        2        -        -    SHO310Y2  SHO310Y3  SHO310Y4  120

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