Page 7 - GTS Trade PPE Catalogue
P. 7


              The Personal Protective Equipment Directives (89/686/CEE) and
              (93/68/CEE) have been enacted by the European Community to      EUROPEAN STANDARDS (ENs)
              ensure harmonisation of regulations regarding testing of all PPE   GENERAL REQUIREMENTS EN420
              sold within the community.
                                                                   Deines the general requirements for most types of protective
              All gloves of intermediate and complex design must now be   gloves including:
              tested independently to ascertain their performance and ensure   • Design and construction
              their safety. They must, if they meet these standards, carry a   • Suitability for purpose
              CE Mark on the gloves, or on their packaging when this is not   • Sizing
              practical.                                           • Comfort and eiciency
                                                                   • Innocuousness
                            Identiication of manufacturer
              Glove designation
                               NINJA LITE                                     MECHANICAL HAZARDS EN388
                                   9/L       Size                           a    Resistance to abrasion      0-4
              The CE mark
                                                                            b     Blade cut resistance       0-5
                                             Approved body number           c     Tear resistance            0-4
                                                                            d     Puncture resistance        0-4
                                                                             THERMAL (HEAT) HAZARDS EN407
              CATEGORISATION                                                a     Resistance to lammability  0-4
              Under the terms of the above directive, gloves fall into the
                                                                            b     Contact heat resistance    0-4
              following three categories:                                   c     Convective heat resistance  0-4
                                                                            d  Radiant heat resistance       0-4
              CAT I - Simple Design                                         e  Resistance to small molten metal splash  0-4
              For minimal risks only. Suitable only for low risk applications where   f     Resistance to large molten metal splash  0-4
              hazards can be identiied by the wearer in time to deal with them.
              CAT II - Intermediate Design
              Reversible risks. Products are type examined by an approved body   New EN1149 standard        Pass
              where they examine the manufacturers technical speciications                                  or
              and conduct tests for the relevant standards to ascertain their   No pictogram is to be shown  Fail
              conformity and/or performance.
                                                                         CHEMICAL AND MICRO-ORGANISMS EN374
              CAT III - Complex Design
              For protection against mortal danger or risks of irreversible harm.   EN374-2 Resistance to penetration by   1-3
              Products are type examined by an approved body as for category   micro-organisms.
                                                                            Referred to as acceptable quality level
              II. In addition, the products and manufacturer are subject to EC
              quality control according to an approved quality system.      (AQL).
                                                                            EN374-3 Resistance to chemical hazards -   1-6

                                                                             PROTECTION FROM COLD EN511
                                                                            a.     Resistance to convective cold  0-4
                                                                            b.     Resistance to contact cold  0-4
               In compliance with EN374 Standard, the breakthrough time is
               given as a permeation index according to the following table:  c.        Permeability of water  0-1
               The breakthrough time (in minutes) of a chemical through the   When scores are given, the higher the score the better the
               glove is measured in conditions simulating a total immersion
               of the glove in the chemical at 23˚C. The gloves scoring the   performance. 0 denotes a fail and X denotes no test.
               highest index have the best resistance to permeation. Index 0   OTHER HAND PROTECTION STANDARDS
               denotes breakthrough time is less than 10 minutes.

               Breakthrough time
               higher than (in     10  30   60  120  240  480
               minutes)                                               FOOD      RADIOACTIVE   IONISING    LOW
                                                                    HANDLING   CONTAMINATION  RADIATION  CHEMICAL
               Permeation index    1    2   3    4   5    6                                             RESISTANT
   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10   11   12