Page 3 - GTS Trade PPE Catalogue
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             Welcome to the irst edition of the GTS Trade Catalogue.

             We believe that only the best is good enough and our mission is simple; to provide you with:

               THE BEST PRODUCTS                   WHEN YOU NEED THEM                     AT THE BEST PRICE

             Our portfolio of safety clothing and equipment includes products from leading brands such as SHOWA,
             SKYTEC, ALPHA SOLWAY, SIOEN and DUNLOP and forms a comprehensive, technologically-advanced range
             to protect your customers from ‘head-to-toe’.

             The GTS team of industry experts are on-hand to provide you with specialist technical knowledge and our
             National Distribution Hub stocks extensive inventory levels, where each item is electronically processed to
             ensure the highest levels of accuracy are achieved in fulilling your order.

             We hope you enjoy browsing this catalogue and we’re conident that you’ll ind the most cost-efective
             solutions to your safety and sourcing needs. As part of our commitment to continually improve, we
             constantly embrace innovation to deliver you the best-value safety products whilst remaining true to our
             core values.
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