Page 82 - Morakniv Catalogue
P. 82

Morakniv ®

           Our Hook knives

           The blade on our hook knives comes in four different versions.
           Large and small radius, Double edges for both push and pull car-
           ving and single edge for left or right hand. All with space for finger
           support along the spine.

                        Knife 164                                            Hook Knife 164
                        Left Handed                                          Right Handed
                        This knife has a single-edged                        This knife has a single-edged
                        stainless steel blade for left                       stainless steel blade for right
                        hand use. The back of the knife                      hand use. The back of the knife
                        is not sharp which gives you the                     is not sharp which gives you the
                        possibilities to use your right                      possibility to use your left hand to
                        hand to push the blade with your                     push the blade with your fingers
                        fingers from the back. This blade                    from the back. This blade has the
                        has the smaller curve of our hook                    smaller curve of our hook knives.
                                                                             The knife comes with an edge
                        The knife comes with an edge                         protection made out of vegetable
                        protection made out of vegetable                     tanned leather, from Sweden.
                        tanned leather, from Sweden.
                                                                             Item No 13385
                        Item No 13386

                          Hook Knife 162                                      Hook Knife 163
                          Double edge                                         Double edge

                          This knife has a dubble-edged                       A knife with a dubble-edged
                          stainless steel  blade so that you                  stainless steel blade, for both
                          can use it for both pull and push                   pull and push carving. This blade
                          carving. The blade has the smaller                  has a more open curve. Perfect
                          curve of our hook knives.                           for making a clean cut surface or
                                                                              bowls with large radius.
                          The knife comes with an edge
                          protection made out of vegetable                    The knife comes with an edge
                          tanned leather, from Sweden.                        protection made out of vegetable
                          Item No 13388                                       tanned leather, from Sweden.
                                                                              Item No 13387

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