Page 69 - Morakniv Catalogue
P. 69

Morakniv   ®

           Pro Series

           This is the new generation of professional knives, made in Mora. In addition to the developed features
           for the basic knives we developed an ergonomic handle made of TPE rubber. It provides optimum grip
           friction. The coil shaped rounding of the handle is a pleasure to hold. The knife has a slightly larger blade,
           which can withstand higher loads and is made of knife steel which is also hardened in Mora, according
           to our SGM® (Steel Grade Mora) standard. The sheath comes with a smart button lock that makes it
           easy to attach or detach it to your workwear. A shield, showing the traditional Dalecarlian weapon, also
           gives you the possibility of linking several sheaths.

           Morakniv Pro S                     Morakniv Precision                 Morakniv Flex
           The blade is carefully selected stainless steel.   Knife with short pointed blade ideal for all pre-  Knife with a flexible blade for cable stripping, cut-
           Stainless steel stays sharp for a long time. It is the   cision work from carving to remove burrs inside   ting rubber and silicone. Perfect to cut away the
           best choice when working in an outdoor environ-  plastic pipes. The blade is made of carefully se-  silicone joints in bathrooms and kitchens. The
           ment.  Black sheath with button lock.  lected stainless steel that maintains its sharpness   blade is made of carefully selected stainless steel
                                              longer and can withstand a higher load on the   that maintains its sharpness longer. Black sheath
                                              blade. Black sheath with button lock.  with button lock.
           Blade material:     Stainless Steel  Blade material:    Stainless Steel  Blade material:    Stainless Steel
           Blade thickness:         2,0 mm    Blade thickness:        2,0 mm     Blade thickness:        1,3 mm
           Blade length:            91 mm     Blade length:            75 mm     Blade length:           88 mm
           Knife length:           206 mm     Knife length:           191 mm     Knife length:           203 mm
           Total length (sheath included):    224 mm  Total length (sheath included):    224 mm  Total length (sheath included):    224 mm
           Item No. 15 pcs-display:    12242  Item No. 15 pcs-display:    12247  Item No. 15 pcs-display:    12248
           Item No. 15 pcs-display sealed:    12430  Item No. 15 pcs-display sealed:    12438  Item No. 15 pcs-display sealed:    12439

           Morakniv Chisel                    Morakniv Rope                      Morakniv Robust
           Single side honed blade of carbon steel. The sub-  Serrated blade that has been developed for   Robust knife with extra thick blade of carefully
           stantial and impact resistant handle makes this   cutting rope, nylon and fiber. The stainless steel   selected  carbon  steel  and  with  an  extra  impact
           chisel knife the obvious tool for woodworking.    maintains sharpness longer and can withstand a   resistant handle.  Black sheath with button lock.
           Black sheath with button lock.     higher load on the blade. Black sheath with button

           Blade material:       Chisel Steel  Blade material:    Stainless Steel  Blade material:    Carbon Steel
           Blade thickness:         3,1 mm    Blade thickness:        2,0 mm     Blade thickness:        3,2 mm
           Blade length:            75 mm     Blade length:            91 mm     Blade length:            91 mm
           Knife length:           193 mm     Knife length:           206 mm     Knife length:           206 mm
           Total length (sheath included):    224 mm  Total length (sheath included):    224 mm  Total length (sheath included):    224 mm
           Item No. 15 pcs-display:    12250  Item No. 15 pcs-display:    12245  Item No. 15 pcs-display:    12249
           Item No. 15 pcs-display sealed:    12440  Item No. 15 pcs-display sealed:    12441  Item No. 15 pcs-display sealed:    12442

                                              Check the Wranglerstar             The sheaths have a smart button that
 Blade material:    Carbon steel
           Morakniv Safe Pro                  vlogs and learn al about           makes it possible to connect and link
 Blade thickness:    2,0 mm  A sturdy knife with carbon steel blade. The blade   how to use the Morakniv   several knives. This gives you the
           has a rounded safety tip to prevent injuries and
                                                                                 opportunity to carry your preferred
           provide a safe practice. The ergonomically                            combination of models.
 Blade length:    91 mm  designed handle is impact resistant. Black sheath
           with button lock.
 Knife length:    206 mm  Blade material:    Carbon Steel
           Blade thickness:         2,0 mm
 Total length (sheath included):   224 mm
           Blade length:            82 mm
 Item no. 15 pcs-display:    12243  Knife length:    198 mm
           Total length (sheath included):    224 mm  See Video on
 Item no. 15 pcs-display sealed:    12431  Item No. 15 pcs-display:    13076  YouTube

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