Page 241 - Globus Group Catalogue
P. 241


           Covering medical examination and surgical gloves

           EN 455-1:2000                    A random sample of gloves is tested for freedom of holes by undergoing a water leak penetration test.
           Freedom from holes               The gloves are filled with 1l of water and must remain completely leak proof over a defined period of
                                            time. A failed test results in a higher AQL value, which for medical gloves sold in Europe must be 1,5 or
                                            lower. AQL (accepted quality level) is a quality sampling procedure ISO 2859-1 used by manufacturers
                                            for measuring the % likelihood of pinhole defects in a batch of single use gloves. An AQL of 1,5 brings a
                                            statistical probability that less than 1,5% of the gloves in the batch will have defects.

           EN 455-2:2015                    Size and tensile strength requirements for single use medical gloves.
           Physical properties              No less than 240mm in median length and 95mm (±10mm) median width to provide adequate
                                            protection along full length of the hand (exception for long cuff gloves).
                                            Strength is measured by elongation until breaking point, indicated as Force At Break (FAB) in newton
                                            (N). FAB is measured on standard sample and on a rapid aged sample that is kept at 70°C for 7 days to
                                            simulate glove deterioration during prolonged shelf life. FAB requirements differ per glove material and
                                            if the glove is for examination or surgical purpose. Indication of median minimum FAB values:

                                                                           Force at break (N) during shelf life
                                                                        Rubbers            Thermoplastics
                                                                    (e.g natural latex, nitrile)  (e.g PVC, vinyl, butyl)
                                                 Examination glove        >6.0                 ≥3.6
                                                  Surgical glove          >9                    -

           EN 455-3:2015                    A number of important requirements are specified to maintain biological safety of the glove for the
           Biological evaluation            medical practitioner as well as the patient. “LATEX” pictogram on packaging for natural latex rubber
                                            gloves is mandatory. No terms suggesting relative safety of usage are permitted i.e. low allergenicity,
                                            hypoallergenicity or low protein content. Powder residue, which is seen as unwanted contaminant
                                            on medical gloves, must not exceed 2mg per glove with “powder-free” claim. Water extractable latex
                                            protein content in latex gloves must not exceed 50 microgram per gram of rubber to minimize latex
                                            exposure that can cause allergic reactions. The level of endotoxins generated by bacteria on sterile
                                            gloves that claim “low endotoxin level” may not exceed 20 EU per glove pair (EU=Endotoxin Units).

           EN 455-4:2009                    The standard ensures there is no performance degradation during storage period prior to use.
           Shelf life determination         Accelerated aging tests are performed on glove samples to determine shelf life, to enable manufacturers
                                            to prove that their product will withstand (usually) up to 3 years and in some cases up to 5 years without
                                            losing their strength and protection properties.

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