Page 59 - Morakniv Catalogue
P. 59

Morakniv   ®

           Morakniv Bushcraft Expert SRT      Morakniv Bushcraft  Expert         Morakniv Garberg Black C – Multi-Mount
           The  half-serrated  blade  is  perfect  for  cutting   A first rate knife that is ideal for all sorts of field and   This blackened Carbon full tang knife is designed
           rope and fiber, and the stainless steel with a black   outdoor tasks. The knife has an anti-corrosive   to meet the long-time wishes from our most dedi-
           anticorrosive DLC-coating is outstandingly   black DLC-coating and a blade of high carbon   cated users. The blade has a Scandi-grind profile
           sharp. The spine of the blade is ground espe-  steel. This combination protects the knife against   that  makes  it  easy  to  keep  sharp  and a  ground
           cially for use with a fire starter. It comes with a   corrosion as well as making it razor sharp. In    spine compatible with a fire starter. The black
           MOLLE-compatible sheath of heavy-duty nylon.   other words: the knife is always ready to perform   blade has a DLC coating: a dark, hard, scratch-
                                              the tasks required. The spine of the blade is ground   resistant coating. It is very thin, only about 1,5μm.
                                              especially for use with a fire starter. It comes with a   The coating helps to protect the carbon steel
                                              MOLLE-compatible sheath of heavy-duty nylon.   from corrosion. Available with MultiMount or
                                                                                 black leather sheath.
           Blade material:     Stainless Steel  Blade material:    Carbon Steel
           Blade thickness:         3,2 mm    Blade thickness:        3,2 mm     Blade material:     Carbon Steel
           Blade length:           109 mm     Blade length:           109 mm     Blade thickness:        3,2 mm
           Knife length:           232 mm     Knife length:           232 mm     Blade length:           109 mm
           Total length (sheath included):    265 mm  Total length (sheath included):    265 mm  Knife length:    229 mm
           Item No. 1 pcs-box 20/ctn:     12295  Item No. 1 pcs-box 20/ctn:    12294  Total length (sheath included):    245 mm
                                                                                 Item No. 1 pcs box/5 ctn:   13147
                                                                                 Morakniv Garberg Black C – Leather sheath
                                                                                 Item No. 1 pcs box/5 ctn:     13100

           Morakniv Kansbol                   Multi-Mount kit for Kansbol        Morakniv Eldris Black
           The sheath is made of polypropylene, a polymer   A  Multi-Mount  kit  for  Kansbol.  Includes  three    Blade material:   Stainless Steel
           that  makes  it rugged,  and thereby provides  an   Velcro-straps, a loop collar and a secondary
           excellent protection of the knife. Both the handle   locking collar.  Blade thickness:         2 mm
           and  the  sheath  are  symmetrical,  which  enables                   Blade length:           59 mm
           both left and right hand use. It also allows you to
           place the knife in the sheath from both sides.                        Knife length:           143 mm
                                                                                 Total length (sheath included):    152 mm
           Blade material:     Stainless Steel  Item No. 1 pcs bag/15 ctn:   12973  Item No. 1 pcs box/5 ctn:   12647
           Blade thickness:         2,5 mm    Swedish Armed Forces NO.:   M6310-014019  Item No. 1 pcs-PinPac 5/ctn:   12870
           Blade length:           109 mm     Also available:
           Knife length:           226 mm     Item No. 1 pcs box/5 ctn   13002   Morakniv Eldris with Kit Black
           Total length (sheath included):    250 mm                             Item No. 1 pcs box/5 ctn:   12629
                                                                                 Item No. 1 pcs-PinPac 5/ctn:   12865
           Item No. 1 pcs box/5 ctn:   12634
           Item No. 1 pcs-PinPac 5/ctn:   12872
           Swedish Armed Forces No.:    M6310-014010
                                                                                              with Pouch
           Morakniv Bushcraft                 Morakniv Companion                              Ladder
           Expert Sheath                      Expert Sheath                                   System (PALS)
           Item no. 1 pcs-box 5/ctn:    13004  Item no. 1 pcs-box 5/ctn:    13005
                                                                                              options and
                                                                                              ensures that
                                                                                              your knife is
                                                                                              always within

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