Page 28 - Morakniv Catalogue
P. 28

Morakniv ®

           The names that tell our story

           Many small cottages and barns. The cattle graze on the plot outside
           and every morning starts before sunrise with milking the cows or
           goats. This was the scenery of the Swedish ‘fäbod’, a place where people
           historically spent their summers to work and let their cattle run free in
           the surrounding nature. It was also an important time for preparation of

           homemade butter and cheese for the winter.

           In older days, the land closest to the village was used for cultivation during
           the summer and therefore people had to move the cattle away. Every
           village had their own ‘fäbod’, many times even two or more. This way,
           our ancestors could walk with their cattle from one settlement to another

           during the summer.

           In the region around Mora there have always been many ‘fäbodar’ and
           many of them still exist today. The houses are mainly used as holiday
           cottages, where the descendants of the original farmers can escape the
           urban society and experience the genuine peace of nature.

           Since traditions here in Mora are strong, still today, local farmers take

           their cattle out into the woods for a summer at the ‘fäbod’.
           Three of these places are called Eldris, Kansbol and Garberg - just like our

           newest knives. This is our way of paying tribute to our roots. To name our
           knives after the places and the people is a way of making our ancestors
           and the surroundings of Mora part of who we at Morakniv are today. It

           becomes our interpretation of the life once lived at the ’fäbod’ of Eldris,
           Kansbol and Garberg.

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