Page 88 - GTS Trade PPE Catalogue
P. 88


                                                1                                 B  MARKING ON LENS

                                                                                 VI  Scale numbers (filters only)
                                                                                 VII  Identification of the manufacturer
                     B  MARKING ON LENS
                                                                                 VIII  Optical class
                     VI  Scale numbers (filters only)
                                                                                     Symbol for mechanical strength
                     VII  Identification of the manufacturer                      IX  (optional)
                    VIII  Optical class                                              Symbol for non-adherence of
                                                                                  X  molten metal and resistance to
                       Symbol for mechanical strength                                penetration of hot solids (optional)
                                                                                     (K) Symbol for resistance to
                       Symbol for non-adherence of                               XI  surface damage by fine particles
                     X  molten metal and resistance to                               (optional)
                       penetration of hot solids (optional)
                                                                                     (N) Symbol for resistance to fog-
                       Symbol for resistance to surface                          XII
                     XI                                                              ging (optional)
                       damage by fine particles (optional)
                       Symbol for resistance to fogging                           V  Certification mark
                     V  Certification mark                                            SYMBOLS FOR OPTICAL CLASS
                                                                                     (LENS MARKING)
                                                                                  1  Continuous Work
                                                                                  2  Intermittent Work
                                                                                  3  Occasional Work

                                            166                                  A   MARKING ON FRAME
                                                                                 I   Identification of the manufacturer
                                                 A  MARKING ON FRAME
                                                                                 II  Number of the EN Standard
                                                  I  Identification of the manufacturer
                                                 II  Number of the EN Standard   III  Field(s) of use (where applicable)
                                                 III  Field(s) of use (where applicable)  Symbol for resistance to high speed
                                                                                     particles (where applicable)
                                                    Symbol for resistance to high
                                                    speed particles (where applicable)
                                                                                 V   Certification mark
                                                 V  Certification mark
                                                                                 III  APPLICATION SYMBOLS
                                                  If protection against high-speed particles at
                     IV  MECHANICAL STRENGTH      extreme temperatures is required then the   3  Liquid droplets or splashes (frame)
                       IX  (LENS AND FRAME MARKING)  selected safety eyewear product should be
                                                  marked with the letter T immediately after the   Large dust particles >5 microns
                         Without mechanical strength (filters   ‘Mechanical Strength’ letter; eg: FT, BT or AT.    4  (frame)
                                                  If the ‘Mechanical Strength’ letter is not   5  Gases and small dust particles <5
                      S  Increased strength (5.1m/s)  followed by the letter T, the safety eyewear   microns (frame)
                                                  product shall only be used against high-speed
                      F  Low energy impact (45m/s)  particles at an ambient temperature.   8  Short circuit electric arc (frame

                                                  If the frame and lens display different   and lens)
                      B  Medium energy impact (120m/s)  certification marks (F,B or A), the lowest level   Molten metal and hot solids (frame
                                                  should be assigned to the entire safety eyewear   9  and lens)
                      A  High energy impact (190 m/s)  product.
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