Page 8 - GTS Retail Catalogue
P. 8

ECO BEST TECHNOLOGY                                                                                                            731 EBT                             NSK24                                6110PF

       PRESERVATION IN ONE                                                                                                                   CHEMICAL RESISTANT                CHEMICAL RESISTANT                       SINGLE-USE GLOVE

                                                                                                                                             GAUNTLET                          DUAL GAUNTLET
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        A biodegredable single-
                                                                                                                                             Flock-lined, nitrile mid-         A flexible impermeable                   use nitrile, powder-free
                                                                                                                                             forearm gauntlet provides         knit-lined nitrile glove                 glove that's ideal for a
                                                                                                                                             high levels of protection         providing grip and                       wide range of uses
                                                                                                                                             against common garden             protection from an array                 around the home and in
                                                              Biodegradation rate                                                            chemicals and household           of solvents, oils and acids.             the garden.
                                                                                                                                             cleaning fluids.
                                                                Biodegredation in landfill (%)  10.0  Gloves with EBT                  6112PF                              7502PF                               7500PF

                                                                    0      50     100     150    200  Regular nitrile
                                                                              Time (175 Days)

                                                                                                                                               SINGLE-USE GLOVE                    SINGLE-USE GLOVE                     SINGLE-USE GLOVE
                                                                                                                                               A nitrile single-use glove          A Thin biodegradable and             100% biodegradable,
                                                                                                                                               with Eco Best                       accelerator-free single-use          single-use glove
                                                                                                                                               Technology®. Provides               glove. 100% nitrile and              engineered with
               WHAT                       HOW                      WHERE                        WHY                                            comfort, dexterity                  powder-free.                         Eco Best Technology®.
                                                                                                                                               and protection
                IT IS                   IT WORKS                  IT WORKS               IT'S IMPORTANT                                        from chemicals.

             SHOWA's Eco Best        When disposed in landfills,   EBT requires biologically active   Consider the number of
             Technology® (EBT)       micro organisms consume,   landfills for biodegradation.   disposable gloves used every
             is the breakthrough       metabolize and break     Which means gloves with   day in hospitals, offices, schools,
              innovation that         down EBT materials into   EBT cannot even begin to   warehouses, labs and even
             makes their gloves       three natural compounds   biodegrade prior to disposal.   our own homes. The numbers
             fully biodegradable,      - organic soil, methane   These abilities have been   are astronomical. With EBT,
           sustainable and the first   and carbon dioxide. This   validated by independent   SHOWA help preserve the planet
               of their kind.         creates fertilizer, leaving   certified laboratories using   by accelerating each glove’s
                                        zero waste behind.       ASTM International test   biodegradation process by up
                                                                 methods (ASTM D5511).    to 100 years*. And every glove
                                                                                             makes a difference.                            SHOWA EBT® currently features in three gloves within the retail range.
                                                                                                                                            Consumers can be guaranteed of high performing gloves that will stand the
                                                                                          *depending on climate and location of landfill
                                                                                                                                            test of time. They will only start to biodegrade once placed in landfill.
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