Page 25 - Alpha Solway Catalogue
P. 25

 research and

 development has

 enabled us to produce
 a hearing protection

 range that has the

 wearer's needs at its core

 and is ideally suited to
 today’s industrial needs.”

 Sales Director  |  Alpha Solway

 28  30  30  31           32                            34                  34                  35
 L1  M2  F3  N4          H5                           EP11                EP12               EP20

 SNR 19dB   SNR 30dB  SNR 32dB  SNR 32dB  SNR 34dB   SNR 34dB            SNR 34dB            SNR 35dB
 A low profile,   A lightweight ear   Medium   Medium   High attenuation   Soft, bright,   As per EP11, but   Metal-detectable
 lightweight,   defender with a   attenuation ear   attenuation ear   ear defender   disposable foam   with an added   disposable ear
 ear defender   padded headband   defender with a   defender with a   with a padded   ear plugs with a   durable plastic   plugs
 with a padded   and medium   folding padded   soft adjustable   headband.  remarkable new   cord.
 headband and   attenuation.  headband.  strap and a neck   tapered design for
 low attenuation.  band.                          increased comfort
                                                 and ease of fitting.

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